WordPress is an easy choice if you know how to stop the chaos of plugins by using the right tools.

WordPress plugins help anyone add features to their website with a single click. If you need a contact form there is a plugin for that. If you need to keep hackers out there is a plugin. Need to connect your CRM, email marketing system, or send a fax? Plugins can. There is a plugin for just about anything you need. However, there is a problem.

After only a few plugins are installed, your website can become a house of cards. This is because almost every plugin is made by someone different. Imagine buying a car but every section is made by a different manufacturer – a BMW-Ford-Honda-Jeep. To drive the point home, each manufacturer operates by different standards and levels of craftsmanship creating a completely funky final experience. Now, how far would you drive with your loved ones inside?

When we use WordPress we know that you love your business. There is no way we can put your businesses in that kind of car (website).

We want your website to run fast, operate securely, break less, and look great. This is why we made a WordPress framework called TypeRocket. TypeRocket is not a plugin. TypeRocket is a framework.

While a plugin lets you add features with a single click a framework lets you add features with a single line of code. Once you get into code the number of people who can add features drops off. Not everyone can code after all. However, you do not want everyone building your website. Remember the car.

The real benefit to using a framework is that people who can code have a single toolbox to work from. With a single toolbox to work from your site can have the same standards and levels of craftsmanship applied to it when it is built. When the people who are building your site are working along the same lines greatness can happen.

By building TypeRocket we make using WordPress an easy choice. But, that is just the beginning:

  1. We made TypeRocket open source.
  2. We have helped other web design companies use TypeRocket for themselves.
  3. We wrote about and made videos showing how to use TypeRocket.
  4. We speak at conferences and events about TypeRocket.
  5. We are adding new features and options to TypeRocket all the time.
  6. And, we are doing a lot more.

With TypeRocket you can add any number of features just like you can with plugins. Need to connect your CRM, email marketing system, create a contact form, block hackers, or send a fax? TypeRocket can.

TypeRocket also works great with plugins. If you want to use some of the really good plugins that exist like Gravity Forms or iThemes Security Pro go for it. In fact, we use plugins with TypeRocket all the time. Only, we do not let a website become a house of plugins.

If TypeRocket sounds like a fit for your website but you are not sure yet go to our WordPress websites page. There you will find more information on WordPress and the path you can take to get started.