Before you get started, ensure you have a Google account. You will need a Google account to access Google Search Console. Further, you will need to have a website property already set up. If you don’t have a property yet, add one, and then you start adding more users to that property.

7 Steps to Add a User To Google Search Console

Step 1: Navigate to and click Start Now.

Step 2: Log in to the Google Account associated with your website property.

Step 3: Select the correct property from the Search property dropdown.

Step 4: Next, select the Settings of your web property.

Step 5: Under Settings select Users and permissions.

Step 6: In the Users and permissions select ADD USER.

Step 7: Finally, add the Email address with Full permissions on the Add user modal and click ADD.

Once step 7 is complete, an email is sent to the provided email address, and they will be able to access your Google Search Console property.